Tuesday, 8 October 2013

my chimeras i made

This is a picture of the chimera I created as you can created in in photoshop its clear that I used a frogs head and added a monkeys body and then gibbon legs and the pigeon wings I added all of these tougher and smoothed out the bodies and parts so it look realistic and I feel that I did all this well because it looked neat tidy and I felt that the product was of good quality.
This is a picture of a a polar bear I have changed the polar bear though using photoshop as you can see I have added a killer whales head on to the body. This was a good one because the head was very clear and made sure that it looked liked it was connected to the heads.

this is enougher chimera i created i feel that it looks good because the shell i cut out from the turtle and made sure that the spider legs where placed well and the money face was hard because the face was hard to placed and made me think about the composition. 
This is a picture of my chimera I made as you cans see I have changed the animal this animal was a horse at first but i have added zebras legs on the horse using photoshop and then i have got rid of the horse head and added a cocktails head.
This is a picture of a bat but I made it in to a sheep as well I made sure that when I thought that when i was creating it it looked ok so when i was on photoshop i decided to change it but i didn't change it that much because it looked good.

1 comment:

  1. i like the work i created i just hope that everyone else likes it and please be nice with comments if any are wrote.
